Recommended Carrier for Speaker Shipments


Does anyone have experience with shipping speakers across country?

My speakers weigh 103 pounds each and they are in perfect condition. I wish to have them upgraded by the manufacturer located in CA. I am in CT.

I am very nervous about shipping them, based on some of my experiences shipping other audio components.

What's the safest way to ship speakers (with cost also being a secondary consideration)?

I recently had my Thiels sent round trip via WATKINS MOTOR LINES,INC. 1-800-274-9099. I was very satisfied. They were recommended by Thiel. Very professional looking outfit with mostly new computer and TV's on skiffs on the loading dock. I suspect they specialize in this market.
You might not be eligible for Fedex or UPS if the dimensions are too large (and a 100lb speaker might be). I sold someone a set of speakers and sent the via Bax and where handled very well.
Call the manufacture. Get (buy) new packing material from them. Have them refer you to their shipper. Insure, insure, insure. Avoid UPS for anything over 10 pounds.
Swklein, you hit the nail right on the head! Congrats on your speaker recognition skills! (Vandy 3 -> 3A sig)
I bought a pair of acoustat tens with amplifiers. packing was OK but not robust. Every piece of wood was broken(fedex).
fortunately all I wanted was the amps, mangled but repairable.

My advice is pack very solid. The package needs to bounce well at 4 feet and land on the bottom. After you pack it, Take a very large oversize box or sheet of cardboard wrap it round and round and then rope it together with filamented tape, do not cut down to size, press down every inch of tape. The piece de resistance is an additional layer of clear 3M tape.
PS: do not buy tape at discount places like sams club.
The bubbbles in the tape are a sign of old age or poor quality. Fresh tape is clear with no bubbles. Target rules for fresh battery's and tape.

good luck you will need it.
