Shhhhhh Don't tell my wife. Looking at B&W 802Ns

OK, they're bigger than my NHTs and look a bit like Robby-the-Robot, but there sound brought a tear to my eye. One of those deals that I'll just show up with em' one day, "Honey, what ya think?" Then Katie Bar the Doors! But first, before turning my living room into the WWF, will the room support these?
My room dimensions are about 13'W X 30'L X 9'H. Speaker spacing will be about 10' apart. Some doors and windows. McIntosh MC 352 (350 W) amp and McIntosh C2200 tube pre-amp. Is it worth the body slams I'll take?
Tell her that you are buying it and selling it back on Audiogon to make a profit. Then tell her that no one is interested in purchasing it. Then the speakers are yours to keep..:-)...
My wife loved the appearance of B&W 803's so much she did not even ask how much they cost. I am not sure if there is a speaker made that has a better WAF than the Nautilus line assuming that you have a contemporary decorated living space. I replaced the N803's with ProAc 3.8's. At least they are not Magnepans (the only speaker that my wife made me sell due to their appearance).

The old, "What are you talking about? I have had those (whatever new component is in my system) for a long time.", line stopped working after the fifth or sixth attempt. However, if any of you have a really good line please share it with me. I am always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to make both my marriage and my audio hobby work together.

Good luck with the N802's.
While my girlfriend did get used to the N804 she said she could never like the looks of the "bowling ball" N802. Who cares what women think? Buy what you want ;~).
When I went from the N804s to the N802s, my wife commented that it looked like I had brought 2 R2-D2s to live with us.

She has grown used to them and enjoys the sound.