Shhhhhh Don't tell my wife. Looking at B&W 802Ns

OK, they're bigger than my NHTs and look a bit like Robby-the-Robot, but there sound brought a tear to my eye. One of those deals that I'll just show up with em' one day, "Honey, what ya think?" Then Katie Bar the Doors! But first, before turning my living room into the WWF, will the room support these?
My room dimensions are about 13'W X 30'L X 9'H. Speaker spacing will be about 10' apart. Some doors and windows. McIntosh MC 352 (350 W) amp and McIntosh C2200 tube pre-amp. Is it worth the body slams I'll take?
Ha! My wife took a quick look at the LITERATURE, nevermind the real thing, and yelped! She barely tolerated my plopping down the 803, but they didn't cohere in my similar-sized room. And there's the rub: the Nautilus need a good 12-15' of lstening distance before the drivers sum nicely. Do you have that in your listening geometry?
I don't and fortunately found Verity Parsifal Encores that work astoundingly well. That B&W tweeter was a bit much, too.... Godd Luck.
My Odysseys helped sell the listening room - there was no way that they were going into a "publik" room!
How's this strategy? I don't know exactly how much those babies are going to cost, but tell her you're very interested in (you pick the speaker) some speaker that you know costs significantly more and is quite ugly. When she freaks, as you know she will, you tell her: "ok hon, I'll get these instead. They are much nicer looking and they cost 5 grand less. Look at all the money we're saving. Why don't we go and buy you a nice piece of jewelry with that 5 grand we saved." It may cost you more for the speakers, but watching your wife eyeball her beautiful ring, while she's listening to how wonderful your new speakers sound, will be a good thing. Especially when she says (don't hold your breath on this one) "Hon, I can't believe what a great deal you got on these speakers."
'Course, as long as you're gonna be spending more to put this thing over anyway, why not just go ahead and spring for those Signature 800's in the tiger's eye maple with the Connolly leather and pedestal bases? Supposed to be the best speaker they make, and the WAF might just peg the meter...