VMPS QSO 626 Ribbon Versus Josephs/ Tylers

Well, after many fantastic suggestions (many unfortunately out of my range even on the used market), at my price point (< $2,000), room size (Med.), amplification (Hybrid 80W), and listening style (predominantly jazz, but covers the waterfront), I had settled on the following monitors:

• Joseph Audio RM7 si Sig MK II's (new)
• Tyler Linbrook Monitors (used)

Then a fellow audiophile suggested VMPS QSO 626
Ribbons. Does anyone have any experience with these, and how do they rate relative to the above. How would you rank the three relative to each other (1st/2nd/3rd). And lastly, recalling the price point, any last pitches for another brand i.e. Faber/ Greenmountain. Thank you so much, you input has been very helpful. - Kahana
I will add my vote for the green mountain audio europa's. I have posted notes on my impressions of them in other threads - but suffice it to say that they are musical, involving, coherent - just an amazingly well built speaker which is a steal at its price - it truly puts other speakers to shame. I ditched my $5,000 original retail full range electrostatic hybrids for these little guys and have been extremely satisfied with them. I strongly urge you to give them a listen!
I have not listened to the speakers listed in the thread title, but I do own a pair of Europas. The best 2-way monitor I have personally heard. Not much to add to the above posts. Highly recommended. Just have a listen so you can find out for yourself.

I have a pair of the Europa's and love them. There greatest quality to me is realism. I listened to them from another room it sounded like a live band. That's a test that I do that most speakers fail.

I've been very happy with my Linbrooks. I have the monitors and have added a pair of REL Strata III subs. I power the Linbrooks with a Pass Aleph 30. This provides beautiful music and plenty of volume for me in a large room.
The best speaker i have heard for 2k (used) is the Dynaudio 1.3SE

You owe it to yourself to listen to a pair.