Very tube-friendly monitor speakers?

I want to setup a second system consisting of a SET integrated (at this point looks like Antique Sound Labs or Unison) around 3 to 10 Watts. I want much more efficient speakers than my Paradigm Reference 100.2s so as to not have to stress my new little amp, leaving the Paradigms with my beloved McIntosh SS setup. By my calculations, i would like a monitor of 93dB or more sensitivity. And to make it even harder, I would like to keep it around $1000 or less, new preferred but used not out of the question. Any comments, suggestions, questions welcome. Thanks! Arthur
I will sugest you Italian speakers like Zingali, Opera, Diapason !!! Thay are made for tubes after all !!!
Please comments for speakers like Wilson Benesch Discovery and Apogee Diva. Did anyone audit with 40 watts power tube amp for such speakers ? Could those who had audited give their avaliable comments?
I am using Athena AS-F2's with a 12 watt per channel amp with good results. They are rated as 93db efficient and can be had for about $600US. They also respond nicely to some cheap tweaks which improves the sound and also seems to make them more efficient.