Why so many problems with martin logan?

I have owned 8 pairs had problems with allmost all of them .3 pairs where deliverd in damaged or missing parts ,or wrinkled pannels.Or cosmetic damage.I like the sound but have found a better way so Iam glad I have moved on .Since I havent owned M/L the other speakers I have purchased worked right out of the box with out many calls to my dealer and martin logan .Iam talking about there new models .Just wondering if others have had these problems ?Thxs for your imput.JK
Delivering a product that works is the manufacturer's responsibility. If the manufacturer doesn't take the necessary steps to provide safe delivery and the consumer or dealer ends up with a faulty product at the point of sale or delivery, who else can you blame ? "Rough handling" is part of shipping and if you manufacture a fragile product, you better take steps to deliver it in one piece or get ready to go out of business / deal with upset customers. Only problem is, the gorilla's in shipping don't realize that extra shipping and packing costs that the manufacturer must now deal with end up raising prices for everyone, including them. Sean
I have owned the Aerius, Quest Z, SL 3 and the Odysseys. Never a single problem - ever. ML doesn't often approve shipping these speakers from dealers.
...and despite going through numerous cases of damage and missing parts you're truely dedicate yourself to Martin Logan.

I currently own 6 ML speakers (Odyssey / Cinema / Scenarios / Descent) and have bought and sold a pair of Aerius i's; I've never had anything go wrong whatever. A friend of mine has two pairs (CLS and Aerius) and again, no issues whatever.

Judging by the shipping cartons that I have, there would have to be complete malfeasance in shipping to cause problems.

There must be some sort of local disturbance in your area.