Very Sad News: Jason Bloom of Apogee Is Dead

One of the true pioneers in Audio, who was the driving force behind the amazing Apogee ribbon speakers, has passed.

I do not have specific details, but I do not believe he was that old, as was David Hafler, who also died recently, but was very old.

Very few people had the passion for high fidelity that Mr. Bloom had. Personally, as an owner of the original Apogee "The Apogee" Full Range ribbon speakers, I feel very fortunate to experience his genius.

Here are a couple of links about this sad news:
Fdriver, Bloom's legacy lives on. I just attended the San Francisco Home Entertainment Show, and only once did I hear a system that gave serious competition to my Apogee Scintilla system..... Eighteen year old technology.
What happened to him? Poor man. I am always sad when good and talented people leave this earth too early.
Very sad news, my condolences to the Bloom family.

Muralman1, you are so right. I long for the type of creative loudspeaker product in this market that people like Apogee produced. The past seems positively racy when one considers the people who brought interesting designs to bear such as Jason Bloom, Jim Winey, Bud Fried, Oskar Heil, Peter Walker, etc.