Speaker Recommendation for Tube Fan

Hi folks:
I'm a devoted tube fan that is currently using Magnapan 3.5r's driven by an all tube conrad johnson system (Premier 12's, 16LS Series 2, 15) along with a VPI Aries/JWM10/Benz Micro H20 vinyl setup. I'm just about ready to revert to dynamic speakers to capture the dynamic bloom and lack of a really deep bottom end not available from the 3.5r's (probably should be using solid-state, but like I said, I'm a tube person) in my room. What I am looking for are suggestions for speakers in the 5K price range that might mate well with my system. It's been a while since I have auditioned dynamic types, so I need a little help. My listening tastes include everything except country and rap (nuf said). The most important sonic qualities to me are a wide and stable image and a harmonically correct presentation.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions.
Thanks for all the suggestions - my search is going to be complicated by the fact that my local dealer is big-time into HT, plasma TV's, etc., etc., etc. Not alot of high end stuff on display for audition anymore. I did have a chance to listen to a pair of Ariel Acoustics 7B's this weekend - NOT my cup of tea - way to laid back and reserved.
That will be a great system for many speakers...At the top of my list would be Sonus Faber Cremona and Merlin VSM-M.
Verity Audio Fidelios should mate with your system beautifully. They are known for their excellent imaging capabilities and very pure and natural midrange compared to the best electrostatics.
Hi you could try a pair of Alon Lotus Elites they are made for tubes and a nice tight bottom end to 35hz you could probably get a previously owned pair for around 2300 list is around 4500