Help with Martin Logan Quests.

I have an original pair of ML Quests that have served me well for several years. I seem to be having problems with the panels sounding weak or losing volume. They still play but at a much reduced volume compared to the subs. I have substituted other components and think the problem is with the speakers.

Has anyone experienced problems with the electronics or panels that might fit this description?

If these need to be serviced, does anyone know who can do the work and maybe do parts upgrades in the process?

Thanks for your help.
Rives, you are probably correct to encourage me to replace the panels. I'm not ready to spend the money for a new pair. New panels would sound better anyway, but what about circuit upgrades. Should I have someone replace circuit components with improved parts? I've done this with box speakers before and had good results.

Both times I have had this problem, it went away after a few hours. When it happened on Monday, we had just painted part of the house (away from the speakers), and had opened the house to clear the smell. We live in South Texas and humidity is always a problem. On top of that it rained some that afternoon. We closed the house and turned the AC on around 6 pm and the problem was gone by 10 pm.

Thanks for the help.
I would call Jim Powers at Martin Logan. Tell him the problems and the results--particularly the last story. While, I can share my experience with my Martin Logans (and a few friends), he hears hundreds of experiences and works to resolve them. He is a great resource and can likely tell you if it's the panels or possibly something else. My guess is that it's the panels and the combination of high humidity--but would be interested in what Jim tells you. He can also tell you what circuit updates were made and if they make sense for you. Your speakers may not have the auto off/on which could be a significant upgrade being in a high humidity area--they increase panel life quite a bit. Mine didn't have this either, but I just created a manual method that I used to accomplish the same thing.
It sounds to me like you have a major humidity problem. Before replacing anything get a voltmeter and a spl meter. If you have a noise generator or a test CD find the 2.83 volt output level at the output terminals of your amp (do this on a "dry" day). Then measure the speaker output with a spl meter at that level. On a wet day repeat the procedure. If the panel outputs are dramatically different you have a major humidity issue.
Iam glad you posted this my problem on quest is on speaker
it will play and then suddenly the sound would go down from
top to bottom and will hear only a little sound but its
tricky because my plinius one channel also went down
this is the side that is connected to the speaker that
got the problem,other side is ok. my guest maybe its the
panel although i doubt it, i think maybe some parts inside.
good luck,
I would like to thank everyone for their comments.

It has been a week since the problem occured, and the speakers are working fine. I think it was a humidity problem as described in an earlier post. I still think I need to begin considering new panels, but can probably squeeze a little more life out of these.

Best regards.