B & W cdm7nt vs. Linn Ninka

I am about to buy speakers for my system (Linn Majik & Ikemi) and am considering making it an all linn system with Linn Ninkas or getting B & W cdm7nt. The B&W are significantly cheaper but most things I read suggest the Ninkas might be a better match. Any thoughts about this?
The B & W's wont arrive for another couple of weeks. In the end I chose the B & W's because of the price difference, they were more than $1000 Canadian cheaper than the Ninkas. Had they been the same price I would have gone with the Ninkas. Still I thought they both sounded great so for now I am happy.
Not to labour the point but I was wondering where you purchased and how much you paid. I have suspected that the local dealer had overpriced the B&W's at $3000cdn. Whereas the Ninka's (at another dealer)were $2500 cdn which I have confirmed as a MSRP elsewhere. As there are about 4 local dealers with very little in common in terms of product lines I might limit my patronage to 3 based on this information.
I live in Japan so that may be why the prices are different still it is pretty odd. I got the B & W's for about Canadian $2200. The Ninkas were $3300 with the Ninka stands being an additional $500. THe explanation was that Linn Japan dealers are not allowed to negotiate any discounts in price whereas B & W are able to. The retail price for the B & W was $2900 but they reduced it 25% to make the sale. You can also get the same price for the B & W and Ninka speakers on Japanese internet sites. If you are interested try doing a search on Yahoo Japan shopping. I am finding that the different countries have pretty different prices and if they will ship there are some pretty good deals. I have decided to go with Linn K400 speaker cable and it is half the price in England (10 pounds per meter)that it is in Japan.
My Ninkas, even with cherry finish(extra cost) and
upgraded bases($250 or so) were still well under $2000
US and the B&W CDM7 NT's retail for $2200 at two different
places. Anyway, I am extremely pleased with my Ninkas in an all Naim front end, single wiring. thanks.