Wilson Benesch Arc Speakers?

Wilson Benesch Arc speakers can anyone tell me about them, I am about to buy new speakers, got a good offer on my current speakers. I was thinking about the new Sonus Faber Auditor(part of the Cremona line). But before I buy the Sonus I want some info on the Wilson Benesch as I have not been able to har them yet. They look really exciting, and I know that most of their line is very pricey.

So what can you tell me?
I listened to a ton of speakers before making my final decision, and the Wilson Benesch was a great speaker however I felt that it gives up detail in an effort to recreate low frequencies. I also really liked Dynaudio's but I went with Sonus Faber's new Cremona Auditor. I felt it was more detailed and just gave me goosebumps every time I listened to them.
Now I am on to electronics.
Out of curiosity, Musiqlover, did you listen to the EAIIs before the Cremona, or any other SFs?
Pass Labs 2.5 and 250, btw, are a great match for my EAs...
Jayme. Yes I have listened to the EAII's. I have owned the Concerto Grand Piano's and the Concerto's. And I still have a pair of Concertino Home's.

As for a comparison of the EAII vs The Cremona Auditor:
EAII is a killer speaker however the EAII was discontinued because of the Cremona Auditor. The Auditor costs about $1500 less.
The EAII has a Little and I mean Little more bass.
However the Auditor has a better efficiency and more detail.
Plus the Finish is incredible. Also the Cremona Auditor uses the new ScanSpeak Revelator woofers(very expensive) and one hell of a tweeter.
Thanks. You seem to be SFlover, as well! I am VERY satisfied with the EAIIs, and I don't even have the stands yet...I would love to hear the Amatis at some point.

You do not want to hear the Amati's. If you do you might wind up taking out a home equity loan!
The Amati's are incredible, one of the best speakers you will ever hear.