Wilson Benesch Arc Speakers?

Wilson Benesch Arc speakers can anyone tell me about them, I am about to buy new speakers, got a good offer on my current speakers. I was thinking about the new Sonus Faber Auditor(part of the Cremona line). But before I buy the Sonus I want some info on the Wilson Benesch as I have not been able to har them yet. They look really exciting, and I know that most of their line is very pricey.

So what can you tell me?

One more thing:

The finish on the Amati's is also quite amazing, I like the Cremona that I have, but the Amati has a warmer tinted wood, more luxorious looking, spectacular actually.
That article in TAS is ancient history. Wilson Benesch has completely changed how they do finishes and they don't use wood anymore. It's all carbon fibre and aluminum, and that includes the ARCs. Given the money/performance ratio,($3600.00 with the stands?) they're a steal.