Monitor speakers for a change

So my main speakers are Sonus Faber Amati Homage which I love, but I usually own more than one pair of speakers so I can get a different flavor from time to time.

So I am considering one of the following:

Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage or Cremona Auditor
Dynaudio Confidence 1 or Special 25
Piega something

I have heard Guarneri, Cremona, and Dynaudio C2 before, Guarneri is probably my favorite among them all. What others should I consider and what did you choose?
I'm using a pair of Sonus Faber EA II with a Krell FPB200.
Highly recommend the EA II.
PMC. If you like're gonna LOVE PMC!
Very different flavor from Sonus Faber. We had a guy who owned SF's do the exact same thing as you...ended up with a pair of OB-1's and LOVES them.

The Sound Broker