Best Speakers Close to Walls

Question... What Hi-End speakers are either sufficiently forgiving, or made, to be placed close to walls. Speaker placement in my home is limited to within 1 foot of the back walls - a tough reality. Robert Harley writes in his book High-End Audio, 'that some speakers sound better close to walls than others'. Hi-Fi Choice magazine lists a speaker catagory as "Speakers that work best close to the walls". Would love to hear some opinions and/or experience on this.
Room: 13'W X 25'L X 9'H (speakers aimed length wise)
Speakers under consideration, but not limited to:
B&W 802N, Sonus Faber Cremona, Talon Raven or Khorus X, Kharma Ceramiques, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven's or - Merlin VSM-M.
I realize there is no perfect speaker for this situation, but gotta do the best I can. Thanks!
a dealer once told me that some of the older classic Klipsch designs (Belle, Lascala, Cornwall) are made to work up close to backwalls. Experience has shown that this assertion carries validity.
Just a side note: I purchased a Tact Room Correction system recently, and since the software corrects for errors in time and frequency domains, TACT actually suggests placing all speakers close to walls to ease reproduction of bass. I have tried two sets of speakers, both of which were very boomy close to the walls without the TACT unit, and with the TACT they were great, no boominess at all. Mine doubles as a volume control/pre so it is cost effective as well.