Seeking full range single driver speaker recs

I'm interested in recommendations for my first purchase of a full range single driver speaker. $1500 or less. Don't have local dealers for auditions. Any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

Associated equip.

Audiomat Solfege Reference integrated
Vecteur D2 transport
Audiomat Tango dac
VPI HW19 w/ Graham 2.2, Grado Reference
Rel Strata III
Room + 10wx15.5Lx7.5'H
After reading some comments made by John Curl over at AA, i'd like to find out more info about the Manger drivers. I don't know what they cost, but they are probably far more linear and time coherent than any of the other stuff that you'll run across in this thread. Like most other full ranges though, they are probably bandwidth and spl limited to one extent or another. Sean
Sean...Check out E-Speakers website for Manger info. My concern would be about life expectancy of these drivers. They might work well for a few hours between breakin and wearout.
A little over your budget @ $1750, but you might take a look @ (the JTM model).

They are similar to the Konus Audio speakers in that both use modified cabinets based on the same Ted Jordan design (both speakers also use the same Jordan driver).

The Jordan 92's are not efficient speakers/drivers, but considering your room size and amplifier they should be a decent match.

I have listened to them (the Jordan 92 drivers) in two different types of cabinets (one based on the Ted Jordan TL design, the other being sealed) and was quite impressed with the sound.

I alternate between three sets of 8" vintage drivers in our living room setup. One pair of single drivers, one pair of coaxial drivers and one pair of triaxial drivers, so am somewhat accustomed to single driver sound (Sean, may need to bone up a tad based on his concern regarding the time coherence of FR single drivers:-).

Have listened to a few Fostex based speakers, but as they used their entry level drivers I will not comment on the sound, considering your associated gear and budget. Would like to listen to some of their better drivers in TL and back horn enclosures @ some point, which I should be able to do @ one of the LA area DIY/horn/FR get togethers.

If vintage is of interest then take a look @ the drivers listed with my system. However, a tentative problem with these types of drivers is locating "matched" pairs in good condition. I was fortunate in that both pairs of my Coral drivers are not only sonically matched, but they were NOS as well when found. With my Stephens I was able to hand/ear select a pair from an assortment of like drivers (this sort of opportunity does not arise too often I would think).
Thanks all for your input. Will look into the Cain & Cain and Carolina Audio.
One to consider that maybe you havent' is the Martin Logan CLS electrostatics. Can be had used in that price range. Excellent, and better sounding IMHO than anything mentioned so far.
