High value floorstanders around $1k used

Hi, does anyone know what other speaker line has a comparable price/performance ratio to the Triangle line. I like the triangles, but really don't want to use a sub and I'd like the speakers to be black. Amp is Creek 5350R (75 wpc). Like to listen to jazz and would like to hear the string bass notes well. How about the Axioms M60ti? Room is medium size and close to wall placement will be necessary. Thanks.
The Paradigms offer lots of cheap bass in lots of cheap Canadian MDF. The mids and highs suffer, of course, but they do what they do pretty well. I prefer a more resolved midrange at the expense of less bottom octave, so $1k is better spent on great two-way 6" stand-mounts like the Alon Petites, Spendor 3/1p, etc., or a Revel M20 if you can steal a pair for $1k. Sorry to bend the thread.
Guys, thanks for the responses! There are many speakers to choose from. I have listened to Paradigms and except for their bass, I have not been impressed. They don't sound very musical to me. The speakers that intrigue me here are the Soliloquy 5.3 and VR4s. I have also heard that Spendors are a good match for Creek, but do they make a floorstander?
All the models I have seen were standmounts. Which speakers do you belive could be placed closest to the wall without loosing they sound attributes?