Best speaker in the $4-6k range.

I am trying to find a speaker that will work well with my KRELL components. I am currently using a pair of B&W N-803's and they tend to be a bit fatiguing at times.

Essentially, what I would like to find is a pair capable of handeling high spl's (much like my previous N-802s), but, with a more liquid upper midrange and sweeter less glaring highs. Used is Okay.

My room is 14'6' by 22' and is open to the dinning room kitchen area on one side with 8'cellings.

By any chance Dynaudio Contour 3.3s or Talon Audio Korus meet my criteria?

Thanks in advance,


I have a feeling your speakers aren't to blame on the fatiguing sound but the Krell gear- from all of my experience with B&W they may not be the perfect speaker but they aren't fatiguing compared to any krell gear I have listened to which always seems to be fatiguing. Your not using silver interconnects or speaker cables are you? if so start there(in particular with the gear your using).
I'm with Tireguy on the Krell gear. But I'm also not much of a B&W speaker fan.

Nevertheless, I believe you'd be hard pressed to find a better deal in your price range than the Aerial Acoustic 10T speakers. The 10T's are an excellent bargain used in the $3100 to $4500 range (retail is about $7200 to $8500).

The more amplification you throw at the 10T's, the more they sing. After about 11 years of production, the 10T's were just retired about 3 months ago and new 20T has replaced it as Aerial's flagship speaker.

I have read numerous times in the past where owners claimed the 10T's and Krell's bigger amps have made for a great combo.

damon..tireguy has a good case that isn't the problem you might consider a pair of used piega p-10 speakers. they can handle anything and with the ribbon mid and tweeter will give you the most beautiful mids and highs you can imagine plus a bass that is true down to 19hz +/- 2bd.there are a couple on audiogon at this time,i think.