Upgrading - - recommendations monitor speaker?

well upgrading might not be the appropriate word but maybe resizing will :p

what i have now : Mirage OM-9 2 times.. Mirage BPS 150i
drivin the OM-9 with my Bryston 2blp pro amplifier!

this is my personal room setup ..
used mainly for music/movies/games from my HTPC

what i would like is to go with a smaller studio like pair of speakers coupled with a different subwoofer..

first reason is that i've been trying to accoustically treat my room and there is just nothing that i can do that will give me a really good sound
then the OM speakers are going in the living room for home theater with a new TV :)

i would like to have recommendations on a really really really good pair of monitors that i could use for myself..

i need something that will play somewhat loud and still give me a great feeling from the larger sized cabinets..

will be powered with the bryston 2b for now..maybe i'll updgrade amplifier later on!

i am not afraid to buy used.. i have a budget that range into the 600-800$ USD for the pair and maybe 300-500$ for a good musical subwoofer!

thanks for your time and input! :)
If you're not afraid to buy used you may want to consider the Snell KII/III that are listed on this site. Nice wood veneer cabinets and I believe they have 8" woofer w/soft dome tweeter. Nice Spks. (I believe they have the same VIFA drivers as the J/IV, which are very fine loudspeakers, only in a bookshelf design.) So many fine choices, just thought I'd mention the Snell's. You may want to check out the new Snell E.5's. I've read positive reviews about them. Hope your search works out for you! Bill
600-800$ will get you a pair of fine monitors...I would suggest Spendors,Epos,Quad L series,Castle,etc...I tend to like BRit monitors...which have that open, airy midrange quality...maybe a little lean on bass...but you are planning on adding a sub anyway..good luck...
proac tablettes. i have been running them with an old m&k sub .....sounds great to me.