Quad 11L vs. Reynaud Twins

Any opinions on this? Assume that a sub would be used in either case. Thanks.
here in Belgium, the Quad 11L is 500 Euros, 12L is 700 Euros
and the Twin MKIII is 732 Euros..So Quad is quiet cheapper here ! Makes the Quads a super bargain ! I plan to buy the 12L in a near future..
I believe the Quads are really neutral and would require a "not too aggresive" amp.. ? What electronics are you using ?

As a former spica owner...and now a Quad 12L owner...I would be hard pressed to find two different speakers...the SPicas imaging and soundstage are impressive...but it really comes down to speed, dynamics, detail, and transparency...across the board...the Quads are superior...
How would you compare the 12L vs Nautilus 805 ? Similar sounding ?
