Recommend a good Monitor for my existing system

Hello All,
I been reading many of your threads to gain insight into my next purchase. You guys have some great things to say about Audio gear and Music.
I'm looking for a Monitor for my dedicated 11.5 x 17 x 8 h sound room/getaway.
I want to add a speaker with increased midrange magic.
I want Refinement with Involment, Emotion and Comunicativeness.
If you have other speakers to recommend I would like to stay below $1300. new/used. Sounds pretty low but I know it can be done.
I listen to all kinds of music except for rap and country. My current system includes:
Wadia 830, Pass Labs Aleph 30, Audio Electronic Supply Super Amp Signature, Magnepan MMGs (w/mods), REL Storm III and various cables. I will NEVER sell the maggies. The MMG has got to be one of the best speaker values out there. With a couple of mods, good placement (5 feet from front wall) and a decent front end they are hard to beat. I'm on my sixth maggie (IIIa, IIc, SMGc, 3.3, 3.5) along with 20 others including dynamics, electrostats, ribbons, hybrids, horns-STOP...I've had 'enough'; I'm getting off the merry-go-round now. I sold audio equipment at one point, been thru many systems, and many speakers, downgraded my equipment from a high of nearly 50K down to currently(if you only count one amp running, which I do) less than 8K - AND IT SOUNDS MORE MUSICAL THAN ANYTHING I HAVE EVER OWNED IN THE PAST.
I am currently, strongly considering the Sonus Faber Concertinos, ProAC 1SC (used), Epos M12, Quad 11L/12L, Harbeth HL-P3ES, various Spendors and Green Mountain Continuums.
You see, here in Charlotte NC I am in an Audio Wasteland.
Any help from the knowledgable music lovers, audio enthusiasts, audiophiles or audio gurus would be greatly appreciated.

I think the Revel M20 should be on your list also. Excellent midrange, used price is close to what you want to spend and they are a great value. Stereophile has a review online.
Reference 3A MM De Capo. The De Capo is considered to be one of the best monitors in the world. They also provide excellent bass in addition to all of the other things that great monitors provide. I use mine without a sub and never want for more bottom end. That is something I can not say about any of the other monitors I've owned.

For me, the Ref. 3A De Capo is one of the best all-around speakers I've heard.


I second the M20s. I love mine. Good stands, will cost you, though. Stands are a fundemental extension of your monitor, regardless of the brand. A very significant consideration with regard to sound and price. Read my review of the Sistrum Mini Monitor Platform system. These little babies (M20s) have an incredibly deep extension. Have had mine a year and am still in love. peace, warren
The ProAcs go well with my Aleph 3 and subwoofer. They've got the midrange you're looking for but might give up a little to the Maggies in high end delicacy. Perhaps the following forum might be helpful, if you haven't seen it already: Good luck.