Kharma 3.1 vs. Quad 988

I am purchasing the Manley Shrimp/Snapper combination and cannot decide between the Kharma 3.1 and the Quad 988. My listening room is 16x17 and I mostly listen to jazz and classical. I loved the Quads for their transparancy, soundstaging, and lack of coloration/distortion. They really made me feel passionate about the music again. However, I am having a hard time with the "wife acceptance factor" and a friend suggested the Kharma 3.1 . I know the Kharma 3.2 just got the great review and that there is a big difference between the two. However, for this price point I wonder what the feeling is out there since I have not been able to audition the Kharma 3.1. Thanks for the help.
I have owned Quad 57's and have spent a bit of time with the 988's and have also owned Kharma 2.2's. You will not go wrong with either choice but you will not be disappointed with the 3.1's IMO. You've gotten good advice above.
A bit off the track, but does anyone have any hands on comparison between the Sonus Faber Extrmas, Kharma 3.1s or 3.2s and or the Quad 988 ?

How would you describe the differences in sound ?

Tough call. Both are excellent speakers. Probably a couple of the best in the world. I love Quads. In fact I have owned 4 pair of different vintages. But for day to day listening and the ability to play all kinds of music I would probably lean towards the Kharma. Beautiful also.
I don't sell either brand so rest assured I am not trying to sell you anything.
I currently own 988s and just ordered a pair of kharma 3.2 They should arrive in a week. I look forward to hear for myself what others have. I bought without ever hearing, just based on reputation....I will tell you soon.