I resently bought Arcam receiver AR200. Somebody told me B&W doesn't fit with Arcam but Quad L12 or Tannoy R2 would be the best choise.

Do you have any comments guys?
I suppose that would depend on the model of B&W's you're looking at. The Dm 302/305 used a soft dome tweeter which might be a better choice of tweeter type to use w/ your Arcam. You may want to add ProAc, Spendor, and JM Reynard to your list. Try to audition within your own system/room to see which loudspeaker suits your tastes. Good Luck and hope you enjoy your new Arcam! Bill
I can vouche for the QUads...they have a huge sweetspot, a very wide soundstage, and incredible imaging stability...they have received alot of attention...and for good reason...at their price point and even beyond...they are the monitors to beat...good luck....
One more vote for the Quad. I bought the 12Ls the moment I heard them! Most dealers will sell for around $800-$850 which I consider a VERY good value.

I'm running an Arcam Diva A85 and I've been VERY pleased.