Monitor selection

I hope you guys can help me out with my dilemma. My system consists of:
Ah! Njoe Tjeob CDP with the Burr Brown OPA627 Op-amp upgrade
Van Den Hul The Bay C5 IC
Parasound HCA 750 power amp
Acoustic Research speaker wire (to be replaced soon)
Magnepan MMG

The problem is that I don’t get much clarity and detail from the MMGs, so I plan to sell them and buy some used monitors. I need some monitors that are bright and have really good midrange, bass is not really critical because I have a subwoofer. I’m in a cramped dorm room measuring 14 x 21, and I can only spend about $700, maybe $800. Here is a list of used speakers that I found in my price range.

Totem Model One
Meadowlark Audio Vireos
Vienna Acoustics Haydn
PSB Stratus MINI
Omega TS-1 R
Angstrom Legato
Silverline SR-11
Soliloquy 5.0
Linn Katan

I need some help in deciding which one to buy, also let me know if there are better monitors out there.

The impressions I shared are regarding "Maggies" as a breed, and not specific to any one model. I have heard them on several occasions and in different venues and simply don't recall which models in the alphabet soup they may have been at the time. I apologize if I wasn't clear on this point, and, again, for the subsequent side line conversation it provoked.

I any case, I still encourage you to experiment with sources and cables before making a final judgment on your MMGs. You may find the time well invested regardles of the outcome.
The B&W can cause fatigue. They sound great at first and then begin to grate on you. Totems are nice but can sound a little closed in. Play with placement on them. The Vireos are very musical and detailed. They sound best off the wall and 6-7 feet apart. PSB are not bad for the money, but are dark. I would take them off the list. The Silverline are sweet and worth more attention as are the Soliloquy. Sorry, but I cannot comment on the others.
Lawbadman, the Kinimas are easier on the ear compared to the B&W. With what I have, Audi Aero Prima int, cdp, Cardas wires and Van Den Hul cords, the Kinimas really sing. You can spend hours with these without any listener fatigue or ringing in your ears afterwards. I work nights and come home to an empty house where I can relax and chill. The only problem with the Kinima's is they take a long time to break in. Go to google, search Kinima G1, select Wondermill Eclectics and call to speak to the designer. He will answer you questions. Good luck.
Thanks for the help, I have narrowed down my selection to the Quad 11L and the Totem model 1. I think I will play around with the MMGs a little longer. Like Loose said, it might be the Parasound, so my next move is to go buy a better amp. If that doesnt work then I will go get one of the monitors.

To Zaikesman and Duddley, yall just relax. Stuff like this irritates me becasue this web site is not about trashing each other, its about sharing ideas and information. Zaikesman, your reply was a tad harsh, Duddley was only trying to help me out.