Martin Logan Aeons and Depth

I have read so much about this that it is time someone steps up to the plate and tells me what to do.

I like the Aeons, but maybe for the wrong reasons, plus I have only heard them at the dealer with some huge amp. Here's the deal: I want a cool HT for my basement room about 22x13x8. I listen to all kinds of stuff, but mostly rock. I have picked out the Aeons, Depth, Cinema, Scenarios, and a Sunfire Ultimate. I don't really know if I want some high maintenance system that is hard to setup. Also, the above hardware is going to take about $10k of my hard earned money. So, what should I do? I know there are a lot of people plugged into this board who are a whole lot smarter than me. I value any and all imput.
I surely appreciate the reply. I have checked out Sites such as AudioGon and are priceless resources.

Wrong reasons being that I find them striking, exclusive, etc, and maybe because I know I can buy a new pair of Aeons for just under $2k. Then I start thinking about used SL3s, Aerius, but with no warranty. Cost starts to climb. Wiring (evidently biwiring) is not going to come cheap, and it looks like since these machines like juice, speaker wires could easily cost 2x as much as I would spend on B&W. Encroachment into my room to satisfy ML's sound imaging is a bit of a distraction since it would interfer with Wife's plans for a fireplace (or vise versa). Then there is value - could I be happy as a clam with a B&W set or one of those Aperion Audio setups?

Many thanks for the help. Please keep it coming.

I sat and auditioned B&W speakers for hours. B&W and Martin Logan are the two main speaker lines sold where I bought my speakers. When I went to buy a set of B&W's a different salesperson offered a side by side listen. The Logans blew the B&W's away. It was like a huge wall of sound , much larger than the B&W's. They sounded great loud, real loud.
Try a side by side, bring your own music, hook them both up to the same system. Put as much $$ into your front speakers as you can. I don't think you need bigger or better wires with the Logans. Start with less expensive wires so you can get the speakers you want, you can bi-wire later. Good Luck!
Realize that you're going to spend a couple of weeks fiddling around with locations once you get them. MLs are obnoxiously sensitive to placement, in my opinion. Don't forget that at least the mains really, really, really prefer to be quite a ways from the rear wall - mine are 52", and that's about all I can manage in my small room. And don't skimp on power amp current - ML's aren't inefficient, but they do prefer a lot of juice to really shine. Don't get me wrong - I really enjoy mine, and I have no plans to replace them - but MLs do have some fairly significant characteristics that you should be aware of.

I have found very small differences in speaker cabling, and I'd especially advise being careful not to overspend on the surrounds and center cabling - I just can't tell the difference.

Any particular reason you're going with Scenarios for surrounds instead of Scripts? I have them too, but mostly because I got a terrific (!) deal on barely-used Scenarios.
I compliment you on taking the time to post your question here instead of rushing off to impulsively buy - which is usually my modus operandi. Blw is on target with his remarks. I don't have ML but I do own electrostatic speakers - which I love. But, they are very demanding speakers to own. They can sound quite stunning when set up correctly. They do require a dedicated distance from the wall as well as much electronic support. They also have a narrow sweet spot - which isn't so great for HT. But,they can definitely interfere with any interior design plans by a wife. If yours enjoys high end audio as much as you, then go for it. Otherwise, give this a little more thought.
I did an in-home audition of the ML Aeons (they were having a great close out sale), and found that they were not rich sounding enough for music, but iincredibly crystal clear. But if theater is your main foucus and you have the SWEET ML sub and Sunfire amp to match the Aeons you should be very happy! Hopfully you saw the review of the Aeons and the Depth sub in Perfect Vision Mag. I ended up with a Thiel system that took care of both music and theater, I could not be happier.

Good luck