Sonus Faber Cremona Vs. Dynaudio Contour S3.4


Am building a new system based on a ML pre-power combination. Speakers on my shortlist are:

1. Sonus Faber Cremona
2. Dynaudio Contour S3.4

I have read the various reviews on the S3.4 posted but have yet to read ones for the Cremona.

I am afraid that with the ML, the more neutral sounding Dynaudio's may be bright on the top end. I understand that SF's tend to have a rolled off top end in the past and are more musical.

Opinions appreciated.


Those seem like two really different speakers - I would think that even the most significant preferences you have would make the determination.

I'm a long-time Dynaudio owner, tho I haven't owned / heard the 3.4's yet. I owned the Contour 1.1 monitors and the Contour 3.0 floor-standers. I currently own the Confidence 3's. I have read great things about the 3.4's. I wonder about the new Dyn's, however - they have done a lot of work around dispersion patterns with all of their new speakers, and they're very revealing. However, I home-auditioned the Special 25's, and while they're immediately impressive, over a long weekend of listening I was less sure that I'd want them for the long-term. They have the fastest tweeter I have ever heard, but I don't think the sound was nearly as full or deep or big as the Confidence 3's convey. The 3.4's, while using a different tweeter (the 5.4's use the same tweeter), may achieve a better balance. I loved the 3.0's I had, and I'm very tempted by the 3.4's or 5.4's - I just wonder if Dynaudio hasn't started down a path of producing a sound that is "impressive" over accurate.

The Cremona's I heard briefly at a high-end dealer in NYC. Wonderful looking speakers, but very laid-back compared to what I want / like. Driven by an all-BAT system. However, if you listen to classical / chamber / acoustic jazz / vocalists and the like, they may well be the better choice. I listen to rock / blues / jazz, and also do HT in my combo-system. The Cremona's would not do it for me, which is complete personal, not an indictment of the speakers.

All choices in life should be this tough, eh? :-)
I love the Dyns I have the Confidence 2s and before that the Contour 1.3SE and both of then IMHO give some of the best sound you will ever hear.