Thiel 7.2: amps suggestions please

I'm a 7.2 owner who looking for a really good amp to match with my speakers. My actual ss monoblocks rated at 250 watts(doubling on 4, 2,1 ohm) Class A probably are not enough: my feeling is that 7.2's eats power like no other speaker except Apogees ! Welcome to any suggestion, specially from 7.2 owners. Thanks.
Thank yoy Tombowlus for adding your experience. Digital amps probably are the future of amplification. Best, Luca.
Let me jump in if I may.

Take my remarks with the proverbial grain of salt since I do not own the 7.2s But I will say that one of the GREATEST listening experiences I've had was a system using Krell FPB-650mc monoblocks to drive CS-7.2s.

I'm not a big fan of Krell nor am I a "basher", but this setup was simply breathtaking. The sound possessed "reach out and touch it" realism.

The rest of the system was equally high-end with all Krell Reference electronics and Nordost Valhalla cabling.

On another sidenote, I would have to agree about the CS-6s being easier to drive as I had the opportunity to hear them at another dealer driven by BAT VK-60 monoblocks with good results, but NOTHING like the Krell/CS-7.2 setup.
Thank you Gullahisland, actually the Krell are suggested from Thiel factory: probably the combo is very successful even if a lot of people don't love the Krell sound. Now I'm a little inclined to buy a Pass amps, the X600 in particular, probably with less slam in the bottom end but, I hope , more musical.

For the record, Theta Digital's amps are not "digital" amps. Their name just happens to be Theta Digital.