Thiel 2.4 and 7.2 versus 5i

Hi folks.

Thiel has been my reference speaker for quite some time.
Have heard the 2.4 in 2 different systems and can concisely state that they are indeed the next evolutionary step at the mid-price point in the line. Both systems were solid state (Musical Fidelity and Rotel) Can't wait to hear them with tubes which I prefer.

The incredible top to bottom focus of the 2.3 has been sharpened even more and the bass reponse has increased to a point that's amazing and nearly too much for me on certain recordings. I'd still take them in a heartbeat if I could afford them becuase the rest of the presentation is so complete, musical, addictive and accurate as all Thiel speakers tend to be.

In all candor, it sometimes puzzles me that this company never receives the consistent "very best of" grouping votes by many professional reviewers. Thiel = truth of signal. Period. Yes, they are considered one of the best in the world, but even if Wilsons, Rockports, Pipedreams, Kharma and other such exotics are as good or better then Thiel, I still feel that Jim's designs stand shoulder to shoulder with them in signal and build quality. Just because a speaker costs $70K doesn't mean they are better than something costing as high as $14K as the 7.2's do. Ear of the beholder I'm sure. This isn't meant to insult those who prefer other types of speakers but I have been sitting on this view for a time and wanted to share to get a conversation started which, on this website, has always been informative and interesting.

My question to longtime Thiel owners is what are the biggest differences that exist between the 5i and the iterations of the 7? Always wondered about that.

Thanks for reading and sharing the views.


I've only briefly heard the Thiel 2.3, 3.6 and 6, but have lived with 2.2s for about 8 years. Of course I really like them.

I heard the 2.3 and 6 at a dealer recently but in dissimilar rooms on non-comparable gear. At that time I felt I couldn't live with the 2.3, but the room was clearly suboptimal. I thought the 6 was great.

I feel my system (Thiel 2.2, McCormack DNA-1, BAT VK-3i tube Pre, AudioAlchemy digital, PAD cables) is a bit harsh on piano, and I'm always interested in more detail.

So I've been wondering about the 2.3 or 2.4 in comparison to the 2.2. (yes I know there's no "." in 2.2 - it's just a little protest). Here are my potential upgrade paths and estimated cost (net of selling the 2.2, ignoring the freight):

used 2.3 for add'l. $1.2k
new 2.4 for add'l. $2.9k
used 6 for add'l. $3.2k

How do these perform compared to 2.2?

Would the 6 be a better value than the 2.4?

Thanks, and g'luck
I agree with you D.H. The first time I heard 3.6's it was a revelation. I had never heard more "realism" coming from a speaker, particularly a box speaker. I have owned these for about 3 years and have thrown some significant dough upstream and they just get better and better. I must admit, I've never heard a larger model. In fact, in my travels I can't recall a dealer who carries Thiel having a system set up for audition - maybe I've just been unlucky. I was in D.C. recently at Soundworks , they carry an enormous selection of speakers, and they had CS6's and 7.2's disconnected and up against a wall. I would love to hear larger models for comparison.
I haven't heard the 2.4's. If they are anything like other Thiels, and with out trying to offend anyone else's system, I think they deserve better than the particular solid state gear you have been auditioning with so far.