Speaker suggestions to go with MAC gear please

Hi all. I've recently acquired a McIntosh C2200 tube pre and MC2102 tube amp and am looking for suggestions for speakers that mate well with these two. I currently have VA Beethovens which I do like alot but am looking for something different to try. My budget is up to $5K new or used. I mainly listen to vocals, older rock, acoustical music. Actually vocals are the most important aspect. I'd like to hear the singer in the room with me.

The other gear which I will use is Cary 303 (which will be next to go as the upgrade money allows); Music Hall mm-7 for vinyl and Cardas GF cables.
Thanks! Mike.
Tannoy Dimension series (I have the D500, the D700 is the best of the lot, series just discontinued) or Prestige series (still available, pretty much special order). So far these have been my favorite fit for the Mcintosh components you have. The Tannoy Dimension speakers are great all-rounders, and excel, IMO, at acoustic and voice (but they do rock too). Very natural saounding, great at low volume, good off-axis sound. Lots of choices out there though. Listen around.
I heard that amp and pre-amp combo when I auditioned Monitor
Audio Speakers -- sounded great. Try it with the GR-60's. *I*
personally have the older Studio 60's, which I absolutely love
and that's what I heard with the Mac gear. I would also think Revel
F-50's would sound great with your gear and I see them advertized for around $5,000 used here on a-gon from time to time. I also
think a set of Sonus Faber Cremonas would pair up really nicely
with your gear -- you might be able to get a pair for around 5,000
used. See if you can find the dealers and give those speakers a listen.
castle howards...natural sound(particularly vocals) piano notes also have weight(most high end speakers do one or the other)..gradient revolutions(perfect for the music) and need that powerful mac.....both are full range and both are satisfying on old or poorly recorded material also..