Transparent Audio Gen4 vs Gen5

I'm looking to buy both IC and speaker cables from TA considering Ultra MM2 and Super Gen5. Anybody compare them?
It is above my budget. I hope next week I will compare Ultra mm2 vs Super Gen5
I have ultra MM2 and a friend brought over REF MM2 last weekend. Now I'm torn between buying gen5 ultra or looking for used Ref MM2.
I just demoed speaker cables Ultra mm2 and Super mm2 on ARC / Wilson (ICs were Ultra mm2 source to pre & Super mm2 pre to amp). Same character, but Ultra mm2 is superior in every way. Super mm2 sound more warmer, but adds gloom. Lower in spectrum same thing; more bass, less definition especially weaker attack. Ultra mm2 has better timing, stage and overall ballance. It's not that Super mm2 is bad especially for half price, but Ultra is clear upgrade.