Suggested speakers to take the place of Dunlavy


Much as I hate to do this, it is time to give up on the dream of getting into some Dunlavy speakers. I've tried buyi8ng a couple pairs now, and the shippers have wrecked both. I have decided that I need to get a speaker from a manufacturer that's still in business.

I am looking for something with a similar sound to the dunlavy line--my big interests for a speaker are as follows--very detailed above all else, but with good tonal balance. I like a very quick bass and smooth highs. The best speaker I ever heard to my taiste was the Dunlavy SC-V driven with a Pass labs x350. Suggestions?

Ag insider logo xs@2xrnbowers

Sorry to hear that you've had shipping problems but if you like the Dunlavy, I wouldn't give up because of shipping problems. Obviously I'm biased as I have a pair of Alethas, an SM-I and a pair of SCI-AVs. The Alethas ship in crates, not cardboard so I'd imagine the bigger SC series do as well. I would have thought they could handle the shipping.

I also own a pair of Vandersteen 2C's. In fact, the Alethas replaced the 2C's in my house (the Vandersteens have been relegated to my lake home). To me, the Aletha's were a huge step up from the 2C's. Before I bought the Alethas, I auditioned the Vandersteen Model 3. In my opinion, the Model 3 is better than the Model 2 but was no match for the Aletha. I felt the Aletha imaged much better than the Vandersteen and conveyed a better sense of dynamics. (I can understand Ejlif's comments about the AvanteGarde as nothing compares to the dynamics of a horn.) I did get to hear the Model 5 but I would be surprised if it sounded much better than the Model 3 in the mids/highs, as I believe the Model 5 is basically the same as the Model 3 but augmented with the built-in subwoofer.

I don't know where you live but there are a fair number of Dunlavy speakers being shopped around. If you're looking at the SC-V, they are massive and will cost a bundle to ship. If it were me and I really wanted the Dunlavy, I'd look to find a pair within a day's driving distance and pick them up myself. It may cost a few dollars more than straight shipping, but that's incremental when compared to the cost of the speakers. (There's 2 pair for sale here on the 'Gon right now; one in Colorado the other in Georgia.)

I'm not knocking Vandersteen. I have tremendous respect for Vandersteen, their cost/performance, and like I said I'm an owner of them. In fact, I'm toying with selling my Velodyne sub in favor of a pair of Vandersteen 2wQ subs. (My wife doesn't like the black Velodyne, so I'm thinking I have a window of opportunity here!) Good luck whatever you decide.

Best regards,
Dunlavy was on my short list to replace Apogee Duettas when they went out of business.
I ended up with the Green Mountain Audio Continuum 2i which I felt compared well with the Dunlavy 4 at less money, but i never got to the hear the Aletha. A 2nd choice wound have been the Vandersteeen 3a but they would have needed more amp power.
I also liked the Dunlavy V, and owned Dunlavy Alethas for a while but sold them in favor of Genesis V, obviously a different technology and sound, especially in the space and air departments. If you're interested I gave my comparative impressions at AudioAsylum a couple years back:

Later sold the Genesis for Talon Khorus. The Khorus are different sounding than either, but meet, I think, your objectives of tight, tuneful, extended bass coupled with a smooth treble. Good detail is also there, but never in-your-face. Generally warmer and less dry than the Dunlavys, and easier with placement requirements.

Just another suggestion. Ultimately you'll have to listen for yourself.
I am looking to buy two SC1AV for my rears.Prefer light oak will consider black.

Art Haaker 864-836-2732
You might want to try VMPS speakers.I own a pair,and enjoy listening to them.VMPS has expanded their speaker line quite a bit now,and are utilizing a number of Ribbon drivers .They have re-issued a model Tower II,Special Edition,Anniversary Edition with quite a bit of upgrades for a price less than 2k purchased and shipped directly from VMPS.You could go to their website at to look at this and other models,or even call the factory in California and speak to Brian the owner.