Best way to integrate a sub into 2 channel system?

I have looked at many of the threads relating to this subject but was unable to come away with any firm conclusion. I have a tube preamp and amp and bookshelf speakers plus an active sub. Please tell me if one of the following methods is considered best:
1) Use the high level connections(speaker wire) from the amp and then to the speakers using the sub's crossover

2) Use the low level connections (RCA) from my preamp to sub to amp using my sub's crossover

3) Buy an eternal crossover (Outlaw ICBM) and place it between my pream and amp to send the low freqs to the sub (low level connection/RCA) and high freqs to the amp. I know that I need to disable my subs crossover in this case.

With 2 and 3, I know that I would be relieving my amp of having to deal with the lower bass freqs and potentially improve the mids and highs but run the risk of the crossover causing problems.

thanks for the advice,

Run a second speaker wire from your amp terminals to the high level inputs of the sub and stop there. Still run your speaker cables from your main amp to your main speakers and let them run full freq. In other words use the high level input on your sub but just don't use it as a crossover! You can use one set of speaker wire to the sub. cause everything under 100hz is mono anyway. If you use the sub as a crossover you ruin what good your amp is doing. The sub hooked up to the amps will blend much better than using a RCA out of your preamp. Try both ways and post your results.
Philefreak (or others),

would running speakers wire to the sub high level inputs and the main speakers be the same type of load for the amp? I would guess so but was not sure.
Greetings, Warrenh (as usual) and Aroc are right on regarding choice #2. You will get better integration and more headroom from your main amp using the subs X-over. I hope this helps. Happy Listening! John
Chris, using the high level inputs on your sub will change the load your amp "sees." It will lower the impedance and may cause your amp to run hotter and you will have less headroom than using choice #2. Listen to Warrenh and Aroc go with #2! Happy Listening! John