Aerial Acoustic's CC3B

Hi all,
How effective is the "environment switch" of the CC3B? I'd like to demo a CC3B but would like first hand experiences from owners first.

My mains are Dali Euphonia MS4s and I recently bought the matching center, CS4. I don't listen to 5ch audio so center is strictly for HT. The CS4 is on top of my RPTV. It's huge and I have some concerns about the weight, and room behind the speaker. I was wondering if it might be more practical, save some $$ and go with the CC3B, which doesn't necessarily mean a downgrade, sonically.

Thanks in advance.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Hi Armando,
I don't regret buying the CS4 at all. I was just wondering if it would make more sense for me to have a smaller center. My room is not that big (14x20) and if I can save $$$ with the smaller aerial....
The CC3b does have a reputation as one of the best.

There's been much written about the importance of the center matching the mains for HT, but since it's on a different plane, even when tilted, it's never going to sound the same, in my experience.

Anyway, I'm probably going to keep the CS4. It's unbelievably clean and neutral. The looks don't hurt either.

Are you still looking to buy the Euphonias?

yeah, but,I also was looking at aerial.B&W, what do you think in your experience?

Never auditioned Aerials and I'm not a big fan of B&W. IMO you really can't go wrong with the Dali.