Horns vs. single drivers

I have owned a pair of Klipsch Heresy horn driven speakers for the past 20 years. I plan on getting a pair of Quicksilver Mini -Mite monos(25 WPC) and am considering going with a pair of Cain & Cain Abbys or Lowthers. I certainly plan on auditioning these before making any decision. I have grown to like the sound of the Heresys and am curious what diferences I can expect with the single drivers. My other option may be to upgrade the Heresys by rewiring and reinforcing the cabinets with bracing.Any input is greatly appreciated.
You had better actually listen to some Lowtbers first, some say they are the best in the world, others don't care for them. Very distinctive sound
The single drivers with back-horn loading are very efficient, without the front horn loading of the Klipsch. I'd expect lower colorations and much more coherent sound from the Lowther. Lowthers are not "coloration free" but they tend to be less colored than most front horn type speakers. The biggest advantage is the lack of passive crossover network, which is a big advantage, in my opinion.

I agree that auditioning is important, since these speakers elicit very different responses from various types of listeners.

For the record, I luv 'em on my analog/SET system.
I also own a pair of vintage Klipsch Heresey's. Unfortunately, I have only been able to play them
through solid state amplification. My first amplifier
(receiver) was a Kenwood 9400. Which boasted 120
watts per channel, but sounded dreadful with the
Heresey's. Twenty years later, I am now using a
Yamaha 60 watt integrated which has much better
synergy with the Klipsch.

I'm just about ready to take the plunge into the world
of tubes and I'm curious what electronics (solid state
or tubes) that you have been using to drive your speakers? I 've read that Quicksilver's are a glorious
match for the Klipsch. I would think that the mini-monos
and a fine tube preamp, should get you pretty close
to audio nirvana. Certainly, some rewiring and bracing
(something I haven't done yet.) could only improve the
sound of the Heresey's. I added a Hsu-VTF-2 into the
equation for better bottom end response which was a
great help.

I guess what I am saying is that you should hold onto the Heresey's before making any hasty and costly decisions. I'm curious to know how you would hook up
the Quicksilver's to the Heresey's? Would this require
modification to the speaker terminals ect.. This question, by the way, is from someone who hasn't had any experience with a soldering gun before.Hence,the reason for not rewiring my Heresey's yet!

I'm holding onto the Heresy's so I can finally mate them
with tube amplification. Any suggestions or comments
would be greatly appreciated.

As a fellow Heresey owner I felt obligated to reply to your question.
Happy Listening,