Done and did it again

Hey folks.

I done did it again.

I threw a little shin-dig this weekend, and i was jamming that new Outkast CD, and managed to rip the foam surround. It is a tear along the driver cone, about 2-3 inches in length. That's what i get for running 200 WPC into some 50W radio shackers.

I am planning to upgrade to something better anyways, but that is not for a little while yet. I certanly dont want to send them in and pay the costs for repairs.

Does anybody have a reccommendation for repair? Im thinking of maybe lining the driver cone edge where the tear is with a little epoxy.

any reccommendatios?
Wait until you see used pair on eBay, etc. Price is likely to be less than you could send in & repair speakers for.
In no particular order:

1. Grow a brain
2. Quit listening to that crap
3. Throw the speakers in the garbage.
Wow! Im glad to see the level of maturity of your responses.
Grow a brain? Wow. If i do, can i come up with snappy responsed like that? Stop listening to that crap? Another nice one. I bet your parents would be proud of that brilliant response. I guess i must be stupid to own these speakers huh? I guess instead of getting ready to buy a house and supporting my fiancee while she finishes school instead of blowing my cash on a set of speakers that i plan to upgrade a little down the road makes me an idiot huh?
Line your ears with epoxy! While rather rude i did find that one amusing.

Beavis, thankyou for sending a good responce, at least 1 out of 3 posts arent from bitter old men.
I'm waiting for a real upgrade, thats why im looking for a quick fix. The system i currently run is a result of bad happenings, but it gets me by. Well, it did. I really dont want to buy another set of these. Im just looking for a 2-3 dollar fix.
Whoa- You boys are sure hard on Ol' Slappy! Considering the level of entertainment he's provided us, I think he needs our empathy (although I am NOT going to listen to Outkast!).

I suggest the magic elixir that brings us so much joy- Silicone. Apply a bead, spread thinly over tear, then listen ONLY to Jewel for one week. Jewel will have no effect on you or your speakers.
Duct tape, one of man's most impressive inventions! May not be pretty but should get the job done and I'm pretty sure will meet the approval of any guy that happens to notice... Jeff