A few questions for Green Mountain Europa owners

I am considering these speakers and had a few questions. What are your overall impressions? What amp are you running them with? What types of music do they do best? Can you tell me of areas where they fall a little short?

Do any of you guys know Anthony Perrotta? He is a GMA dealer in Brewster New York.
From what they show, it would appear that they are using sand cast resistors, and Solen caps. If so, I would think that some simple upgrades in the speaker's crossover parts might make it sound even better. I am not so sure that the coils are an issue, but you might want to alagator clip in some Alhpa coils just to see if there is an improvement using them. I'd certainly want to Change out the tweeter caps with AuriCaps, the woofer coil with an Alpha Core, and all the resistors with Mills, if not all the caps with AuriCaps, all the coils with Alpha Core, and all the resistors with Mills. OTOH I'd not destroy anything, in the process, sometimes inexpensive coils are used because they have higher resistance, to keep the rest of the circuit simpler, but I'd still have to try some upgrades becasue they could make a great speaker awesome, or an awesome speaker, more so.


I have purchased three pairs of speakers in the past two years from Anthony, including the Europas.He is easy to deal with and carries an extensive range of products.

Hello Tcbannon I also own the Europas. They are powered by a Adcom 535 MKII 60 wpc and a Dared SL-2000a tube preamp.I concur with the other posters these speakers have no real signature of their own. You can make them sound the way you want ..just by changing something up stream.They don't have gut punching bass but give you the pitch and definition of the instruments like no other speaker I have heard..of course I haven't heard them all.They seem to do this without being clinical.In one word ..Real is the only way to describe them.

Good Luck with the hunt!