Amplifier to drive Carver Platinum Mk IV's???

I'm now a diehard ribbon fan and am currently using a pair of Carver Silver 7t monoblocs. I'm curious to see what amplifiers other Carver speaker owners are using.
Thanks for replies!
they will seriously stress a VTL 450 signature even clipping it if played really really loud

I had a set of platinums, but added an outboard
crossover to seperate the ribbons from the bass

I used a B&K sonata (250w per side) for the ribbons and
1 each Carver 1.5t´s for each of the bass sides.
This provides plenty of volume in a medium room.
The system is still working fine at my brothers house
(I have visitation rights, of course...)
I'm currently driving my Platinum Mk II's with Antique Sound Labs' Hurricanes. I can get plenty of volume with these tube amps. The ultimate would be Balanced Audio Tech's VK150SE's or Carver's Silver 7's, but I think they are overkill for the speakers. I have used Carver's 7t's and 4.0 amps. I used a smaller VTL for the while and that's when I moved to tubes. Good luck.