Castle Pembroke opinions

Anyone have a Castle Pembroke? It seems to be one of those speakers like the spendor S3/5 or the spendor classic (e.g. S3/1P) series well designed for low power tube amps. I am thinking of using a Jolida 202A (40w/ch) with this floorstander. The Hi-Fi Choice review seems to praise it quite favorably. Any opinions?



I just saw the "new" Pembroke review @ Hifi Choice and sent off a query to their review editor (regarding the lack of continuity).
Dekay, I will be interested to hear HiFi's response. I have heard second hand that Castle's US distributor ended their business relationship and that is why Castle's are on closeout. They are so beautiful; you would think someone would pick up the distribution. Wish I knew the whole story.
Why not consider the Spendor 3/1P? I'm not all that familiar w/the current Castle spks., but I believe the Castle's will not provide the magic that you'll find in the Spendors. I would look into these two other floorstanders. Snell E/III's/Mission Freedom 752. For the $, these are bargains.
Decided to stay with the Alon I Mk IIs (see system). As a used pair, these are a steal. At first I thought it sounded terrible, but that was because it was playing new equipment. Very neutral of the upstream signal and careful component and cable matching is essential. They have an openness that makes every speaker I've heard since then sound boxy. These speakers aren't designed to be played loud for parties. They're designed to be refined and play music as it was meant to be presented. Thanks for your suggestions and help all.