How many audiophiles bi wire their speakers????

I was wondering if Audiogon member use dedicate cables or amps for the upper and lower drivers?..if so were you pleased with the results?..does different jumpers cables have different sound signatures?...
I have VR4 GenIII's & there is a 3' distance between the upper & lower module binding posts. I bi-wire these, as a 3' jumper doesn't seem practical to me from an economic standpoint vs. another set of cables. I did try using some inexpensive "jumpers" while auditioning different speaker cables & there was a difference in the quality of the sound, but to be perfectly honest, don't know what if any difference there would have been (compared to bi-wire) if I had used the same quality of jumper, as it was economically impractical to do that just for auditioning purposes.

Some 'philes who bi-wire use different brands or materials to further experiment; for example, copper for the bass & silver for the higher freqs. Additionally, a full size set of cables can be more readily sold if the user wants to try something else, etc.

As for bi-amping, using an electronic crossover is the best way to utilize multiple amps, as I have heard the same speakers with an electronic crossover then passive crossover & there WAS a very major difference between them. Most home stereo systems don't have electronic crossovers, so the bi-amp question, once you decide whether to use vertical or horizontal bi-amping, is if it makes enough of a difference (it will, regardless of configuration) for you to warrant the additional expense. Also, there is the question of using stereo vs. monoblock amps.

You'll have to experiment & judge for yourself and then decide if itÂ’s within your scope of diminishing returns

B&W specifically say that "Bi-wiring is the preferred method of connection ... The separation of the signal paths improves resolution of low-level detail and allows the user to optimise (sic) the type of cable to the frequency range of use." in the owner's manual, so I've Bi-wired my N803s. I figure B&W know what they're talking about and I've never bothered to see if any other connection options are any better.
Ditto, Dogeatpuppy. Sort of...

Whether I biwire or use single runs of speaker cable depends on the cables I'm using, the music I'm playing and the mood I'm in.

With girls, I like 'em olive, earthy and curvy.