Need suggestions for new speakers under $5K

Hey everyone,

I'm thinking about building a second system in my living room. The room is much bigger than my tiny bedroom (please look at my system) and I'm very open to advices. It's about 12' x 18' with a large opening to the dining room.

The speakers will be hooked up to McIntosh MC7300 power amp (300Wpc) and the MCD7008 CD player. I've decided to use my C40 pre amp as an integrated amp for my bedroom, which I found out works really well.

I mostly listen to classical music and a lot of jazz at very loud levels, but also listen to every other genre including metal, rap, pop, but excluding country (no offense). I'm not looking for the most "accurate" pair of speakers, but a pair that's very "enjoyable" and "musical". It needs to be really full range, at least giving me a clean, loud 30Hz drum thwack. I don't plan on adding a subwoofer to the system. My budget is $5K new or used, but would prefer to spend less if possible.

I'd appreciate any recommendations and suggestions,


Well Didactically,

I was hoping you'd at least recommend me an "accurate" pair of speakers after all that, but it just ended up being a worthless reply in this thread.

At this price point, no speakers or components are perfectly accurate. No pair of speakers for example put out a perfectly flat frequency from 20Hz - 20KHz, so most, if not all components and speakers are "flawed" and "colored" in some way.

An example of speakers I would not want is Wilson WATT/Puppy 7 system. I know it's far out of my budget range, but I hear this is one of the most accurate pair of speakers. I don't want to hear every mistake the sound engineers made recording the music, I want to just enjoy the music. I actually prefer something a little warm, probably why I love McIntosh sound too. It may be the "wrong" sound the artists didn't intend for me to hear, but if I like it better and enjoy it more than the truth, is that really a crime?

Anyway, if you have a good pair of accurate speakers under $5K, please recommend me one and I'll go demo it and see what your idea of the "right" sound is.
Hey Spacekadet,

Try these on for size. HPS 938's I mentioned above. $4k

Good luck!
Spacekadet: You want to "enjoy the music" and you want the speakers to be "accurate". These are highly subjective terms that are difficult to pin down when giving recommendations. I am sure everyone who has recommended a speaker to you, including myself, believes the speakers they recommended would be enjoyable, maybe accurate as well. I am sure some speakers out there are more accurate than others, but that begs the question: accurate according to what? Wouldn't an accurate system (speakers included) reveal the mistakes that the recording engineers made? Just some thoughts to consider.
Consider the new Diapason Adamantes III, according
to the review, they are better than my original
Diapason AdamantesII, this are very musical speaker,
if you are looking for music.
The only rational criteria for a 'right' sound is 'true to the original'. That is, to hear what was recored on the source material as 'accurately' as possible: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Once you can hear what that is, you can be selective in the recordings you choose. Comprimising at will a favorite performance knowing the sonic quality is inferior.

Anything else is 'mixing' with your system. The problem being you cannot change the mix for each cut of each recording like an actual mixing console can. You are stuck (not wonder audiophiles keep changing components, which the market loves, by the way). And you will never hear the superior sonic characteristics of well produced and engineered recordings.

Hint: many audiophiles who aspire to 'true to the original' end up with dipole speakers. Hmmmm.