Great music in bad commercials - what can you do?

I have mixed feelings about this, but I just heard a great Nico song - "these days" - used in an ad for a KMart/Disney children's clothes joint venture. God it made me pissed! I usually don't mind the songs in ads, it's alot better than radio, but I have a feeling Nico's rolling in her grave about this one. What commercial songs do you consider sacrilege??
Beethoven "Ode To Joy" for the Direct TV ads.

Worse, someone at my sons school identified it as the "Direct TV .....Movies, Movies song" when the teacher played it for the class.

At least my son was pissed about it.
Led Zep and Cadillac. For the life of me I cannot figure what prompted Cadillac to select Rock and Roll. Does Cadillac think they'll suddenly cater to the 40 year-olds? Unlikely. Equally puzzling, do Page, Plant, and Jones need the cash that bad?
I agree about the Beethoven. It is used by others also. I think it is a crime against humanity. I guess when it is in the public domain we are going to get this from time to time.

Beethoven's prototype for the 9th symphony the Choral Fantasy, has the solo piano passage that Dean Witter used for a long time. Everytime I hear the Choral Fantasy now, my mind waits for that voice to come on. !#&%!!

For copywrited music I find it interesting that David Byrne (Talking Heads), who became famous by making fun of the establishment with his music; sold the right to use his song "Like Humans Do" to Microsoft. It is the music featured with the Windows XP operating system, in commericals and what you hear when you turn your computer on for the first time.

I think David Byrne is still making fun of the establishment. At least the Heads always had a sense of humor. And nothing is better than that, is it? The bit on Windows is also almost unrecognizable. But to answer the question, that Cadillac thing naseates me. Zeppelin, whose music I love, has almost zero sense of humor and was always non-commercial, at least in attitude, and not including Peter Grant (big exception, I know, but he stayed out of the music). I want to think that it just can't be worth the money, although I heard somewhere that when Windows 95 was launched, the Evil Empire paid the Stones $7 million for Start Me Up. That's a ton. But I always hate it when music becomes tied to a specific thing; it's so limiting. I still can't hear After Midnight without thinking about beer!
I'm shocked! I'm truly shocked! Imagine somebody using music for crass commercial purposes. In a way this is a variation of hero worship. Just because someone is talented, athletic or beautiful, we as fans assume that these people share our politics, our interests or our ethics. There's a tremendous amount of money to be made in music for advertising. We should not be disappointed if people we truly admire have a price. I read that Microsoft paid up to $2.5 million each for the music rights associated with Windows XP. David Bynre is very talented and he is obviously no fool.