Any body hear the new improved Merlins at CES?

Heard that Bobby P. has upgraded the Milleniums with new crossover, some other parts, not exactly sure of all the details. Anybody familiar with the sound of the 'older' Milleniums hear the new ones at CES? THanks!
Bobby is out enjoying a much needed few days off since getting back from the show, so until he checks back here I'll chime in with what I know.

I heard the new version of the Milleniums a week before the show at the Merlin plant and worked for Merlin at the show. I also intimately know the VSM-M and what goes into the new version of the speakers.

First, some basic info so folks do not get confused about what is happening here model wise. The current VSM-M model will continue to be made and will not be discontinued for the forseeable future. The new version of the VSM-M will be called the VSM-MX (X for 10th anniversary of the model's introduction). I can't go into great detail as to what has been changed, but I can say this is a further evolution of the VSM-M. The crossover topology/design has not changed, but the parts have.

The result is a speaker system that has all the strengths of the VSM-M which are now there to a even greater degree. The speaker sounds more natural and dynamic, especially at the speakers limits (nuances at very low levels are more apparent and complex material at high SPLs is more coherrent).... in other words, greater resolution and dynamics without ANY of the often associated negative side effects. As well, if you thought the top end of the speaker was pretty remarkable with the VSM-M, the MX takes it up another notch. Things like brushwork have a shimmer and delicacy that is now incredibly real.

The VSM-MX will only be available with BAM and in premium clearcoat finish... target retail price is going to be $9,950.

Rich Brkich
"01-14-04: Steveallen
Is this the speaker with two drivers and in need of stands?"

No, the VSM is the floor standing monitor speaker. The stand mounted (bookshelf) Merlin TSM model requires stands. To see the VSM-MXs we used at CES, just check Audiogon's CES show coverage (pictures) for Alexis Park room # 1652.
The Merlin room was displaying the new VSM M-X Anniversary addition speakers in a drop dead gorgeous clear coat British Racing Green. The new speakers are said to improve dynamics by 15 or 20%. (More details to come from Merlin in near future according to Bobby)

The sound was excellent after opening day tweaking. Driven by the Convergent Audio SL1 mk II and SL3 monos, Cardas cables, Audio Aero Cap I transport and Audio Note DAC the sound was linear, detailed, dynamic, open, transparent and very layered. In other words, signature Merlin sound. Vinyl was spinning on the VPI HR-X/ Cardas Heart and sounded outstanding.

My own personal liking is for the Joule Electra or Berning ZH270 OTL sound, but nonetheless, the CAT monos sounded very very good on the new Merlin speakers.

Bobby was his usual cordial, engaging self and was visiting with all and allowing anyone to spin their test CD’s.

On my short list of best sounds of the show.