upgrading caps -- easy to do?

I love my pair of ML Aerius i, and would like to get the most out of them. I have never done any DIY project, but believe that upgrading the caps in the crossover would yield significant improvements.

Is this something I could do, with no experience? Could I also do the same with the internal wire?

What would I need to complete the project?
Dear Dennis,

***I love my pair of ML Aerius i, and would like to get the most out of them. I have never done any DIY project, but believe that upgrading the caps in the crossover would yield significant improvements.***

You are correct, upgrading the caps will provide positive effects.

***Is this something I could do, with no experience? Could I also do the same with the internal wire?***

You bet, take your time with your cap selections and rewire piece by piece and you are going to be fine.

***What would I need to complete the project?***

Soldering iron, don't skimp on the solder quality (we favor Cardas as it is fantastic and very easy to work with), time and most important... funds. It will be a very rewarding experience. Dan
Thanks to all. What should I look for when purchasing the caps?

Do I need any schematics from Martin Logan? What is a good source to buy the soldering iron, solder, caps, etc?
Dennis: I am not convinced that this will be such an easy project. Recently, I recapped an old integrated amplifier. I only replaced the power supply caps. The old caps will be very difficult to remove from the circuit boards, and will be slightly less difficult to replace. Also, the capacitors will be difficult to find. I spent HOURS looking for capacitors. I found a company called Mouser Electronics. Obviously there are companies that sell Black Gate caps as well. Personally, I would not undertake this project, being a fellow novice. If you do, I would strongly suggest buying a desoldering tool and a good soldering tool.
Do yourself a big favor and call Jeff at www.soniccraft.com. This man knows his caps. He will walk you through the upgrade process and save you some $$$ in the end.
The replacement of the caps IN a speaker crossover is not the same as caps in a circuit in a electronic device.
The caps in a crossover have a direct influence on the voicing of the speaker, and swapping out the caps MAY alter the sound in ways you will NOT like!
Usually changing the inductor coils is less of a problen with alterations in the apeakers behavior.
I would be leery of doing the caps, And expect that you may need to experiment if you do!
Also see discussions about using small value additional caps to enhance ??? (don't remember, freq response or speed? anyway, plenty of talk on Audio Asylum in speakers areas, do some research there!)