upgrading caps -- easy to do?

I love my pair of ML Aerius i, and would like to get the most out of them. I have never done any DIY project, but believe that upgrading the caps in the crossover would yield significant improvements.

Is this something I could do, with no experience? Could I also do the same with the internal wire?

What would I need to complete the project?
Do yourself a big favor and call Jeff at www.soniccraft.com. This man knows his caps. He will walk you through the upgrade process and save you some $$$ in the end.
The replacement of the caps IN a speaker crossover is not the same as caps in a circuit in a electronic device.
The caps in a crossover have a direct influence on the voicing of the speaker, and swapping out the caps MAY alter the sound in ways you will NOT like!
Usually changing the inductor coils is less of a problen with alterations in the apeakers behavior.
I would be leery of doing the caps, And expect that you may need to experiment if you do!
Also see discussions about using small value additional caps to enhance ??? (don't remember, freq response or speed? anyway, plenty of talk on Audio Asylum in speakers areas, do some research there!)
You should get the crossover schematics if going ahead with the project. Some OEM caps don't tell what they are! nor do inductors!! A good source for caps and inductors is Micheal Piercy audio, also a couple of other places sell all the stuff... Inductors, caps, wire. The variety of caps you can use will make your head spin!! (AudioAsylum has sponsors, several of which sell these parts.)
If you can find someone who HAS done the same speakers with success, get those caps!
Good luck whatever you do.
(Rewiring is a GOOD idea. same places have wire available. I would use the wire in your favorite speaker cable, if it is available?)
I just upgraded the crossover in my Kappa 9's. I replaced the caps and resistors with better quality ones. I left the inductors alone. The result is they sound a whole lot better than they use to. Well worth the effort. My advice to you is get yourself a soldering iron, solder, flux, de-soldering wick and some old junk circuit boards and learn how to solder and de-solder first before you mess with the crossovers. If you are going to do this, you might as well know what you're doing.
Soldering Tutorial http://www.audiodiycentral.com/nt_soldering.shtml

After you are confident in your soldering skills, then try your hand on upgrading your crossovers. A schematic would be helpful. If you need ideas as to what caps and resistors to use, talk to Jeff at www.sonicraft.com He is a cap expert and knows what he is talking about. The results in upgrading a speaker crossover can be very positive if you do it right.