Efficient Bookshelfs on a budget?

I have just bought a panny 42" plasma and need some speakers to go with it. The problem is that I just spent 4k on the TV and don�t want to YET spend big $ on the complete audio system. The panny has a 7.5watt output and I would love to just run some bookshelf speakers directly off of that. The volume in the room will be very moderate but the room is pretty big and opens into another room so if there are any moderate or high efficiency speakers that anybody can suggest with a good sound please help me out.

Eric Baer
I like the name "Iamcrazy", most people are, the difference is they do not know it.
As for speaker, I like the 303.
Sound Dynamics 300ti. No longer manufactured, will have to find it used. A great performer!
7.5 watts in a very large room is not enough to drive these speakers mentioned above . I recommend Acoustic energy Aego 2. It is self powered and can be wall mounted and will look awesome with your plasma.
Just double check @ what OHM rating that 7.5 watts is... a lot of TV based amps output their watts @ 16 or 32 ohms. That would greatly affect your speaker selection.
Sorry, didn't read your post thoroughly. I would forget about speakers until funds would allow you to purchase a separate amplifier/processor.