Red rose Affirmation made in china, any problems??

have any heard anything about red rose music and its product??? help please. has any one owns one and how reliable has it been?
Not the same item, I think they had the Chinese OEM it for them under a better spec. Never the same item. Red rose wouldn't let it happen anyways. Otherwise, then everyone will just go buy directly from the OEM manufacturer.
Do a search over at Audio Asylum. This was covered in detail. You can buy the same gear directly from the Chinese manufacturer and save yourself thousands.

I was told by a dealer that they had to order multiple sets of the smaller speakers with the ribbon tweeters just to make sure that they could match up pairs. Seems like the ribbons have varying efficiency and the Chinese don't match them from the factory.

Good luck.
Read all threads related to this issue at AA. WIDDDDEEEE coverage. Honestly, Chinese manufacturer nowadays makes the best electronics. Reliability shouldn't be a problem. I am sure M.Levinson has took care of this issue. He would be stupid enough to put something bad under his name.
Chinese does not make the best electronics. Sorry, it is the truth. Maybe your lack of experience shows in this case?
Infinity_audio, could you please let us know if you have any relationship with Red Rose?

I have a lot of respect for Red Rose products myself, but if the product was available in a more cost effective manner, that would just be smarter on the consumer's part in some instances than paying more. Of course, the support of a dealer network and Red Rose may offset that.

The statement that the Chinese manufacturers make the best electronics today is far from correct, in my opinion. The Chinese certainly have made enormous strides in the past decade, and most things are made in China, but I feel they are not up to the quality of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, USA/Canada, and some European countries. Just compare a CD player or television made in China versus one from Japan. Which one do you think will last longer? The answer is obvious.