Speakers "To close to the side walls

I have Paradigm 100 v2 and I only have 4" from side walls.
Are there speakers that will perform better close to the side walls?
Assuming you are still talking about your Paradigm's, and assuming that you have them toed only slightly in, and assuming that you have not treated the 1st reflection points, yes it could make a substantial difference. HOWEVER, if you had your speakers set up properly before (but for the side wall closeness) your speakers will now be too close together and your stereo image will narrow substantially and the sound could become congested. If you've set them up correctly the first time then you will have to move your listening position much closer to the speakers (about 20 inches).
I've been reading a lot from this site and others and I'm learning....My wall is 10' wide. I am about 9 feet from the speakers. If I change the speakers they will be
about 7.5 to 8' apart. It would not be a problem to get closer. I probably did not set these "right" I just made
them fit. On my pre-pro I did set the distance of all
speakers from my listening position. I guess now I wonder
which would be best-treated walls for reflections and leave them close to the wall and toed or moving them 15" of the side walls.

Much thanks
One of the nice things about setting up your room - its all free except for the labor. Personally, I would start with a set up with your speakers close to the side walls and toed in extremely so they cross in front of you, well in front of you. I would have the listening position about 9.5 feet back from the plane of the speakers (by the way, I assume you have the speakers out several feet from the back wall?). The axis of the speakers would point about 27 degrees past the listening position. Yeh, I know, the speakers look cross eyed that way, but trust me - it can work! I would also get a test disc with tones (see the Rives site) and a Radio Shack sould level meter which will help you select the best location for bass reproduction for both your speakers and listening position. In fact on the Rives site he has a program and you can just plug in your speakers and the room's dimensions and it will give you a suggested starting location. Have fun, this is IMHOP the most fun and frustrating part of audio. And inches (!!!) make a difference.
Just curious, how far are your speakers from the wall behind them? I'm not familiar with your speakers and their size, so this suggestion might be worthless, but try this: Two feet from the side walls (NO toe-in)and move your listening chair up so you have an equilateral triangle. You can do 7 feet (maybe even 7.50) Listen to what you've got now. If you have your babies far enough away from the rear wall, you may be surprised. And inches, DO, make a difference. I have my monitors set up this way. My wall is 10.5 feet. Sure a larger room would be wonderful. Whattayagonna do? peace, warren