Speakers For McIntosh?


I just want to know what kind of speakers you Mcintosh fans are using and recommend.

I am using an MC352
Thinking of thiels (CS3.6, CS6, or CS7.2)
or Sonus Faber (Cremona or Amati Homage)
Is the Mac too much power for the Sonus faber speakers?
After driving Apogee Duetta Signatures for 15 yrs w/ my MC7200 and C35, I am now faced with the question of where do I go from here? My Apogees are finally buzzing (bad Ribbons). This Combo has put me into Nirvana many times. However, my new quest will more likely be SoundLabs Ultimate 1's W/ The McIntosh MC602 and C200.
Harbeth Compact 7s, Spendor monitors, anything built to BBC specs, really (old Rogers speakers in good condition are tough but worthwile to find), are a match made in audio heaven.

Depends on your listening tastes and what amp you own but McIntosh 1201's and Thiel CS6's are quite impressive. Great dynamics, bass punch and velvet top end. The Thiel crossover's are well suited to McIntosh power, in my personal opinion.
I own the McIntosh MCD205 CD player and the McIntosh MA6900 Integrated amplifier. The overall sound quality is excellent with my Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers (older model). The extra power plus the tube like quality of the MA6900 make these speakers really stand out. I was very surprised at how good it sounds and so were my friends. I recommend you pick 3-5 speakers and listen using your own electronics. Listen to music you are familiar with. cheers..