Combak - Bravo

Heard these yesterday, was floored. Any one else have experience with this beautiful little speaker?
I heard them awhile back and thought they were simply wonderful. Rich, full and detailed and really easy to listen to. The cabinets are beautiful as well. The designer is really quite good... his cables and tuning feet are second to none in my experience.
Overpriced? I don't think so. They are limited production, beautifully made and sound great. And anyway speakers last longer than we do so it works out to just a few cents a day.... depending how old you are:)
vinyldoes, i agree with you. truly a lovely lovely sound. one thing the bravo's are known to do well is perform perfectly up against a wall behind it. this is a nice feature for both the cramped living quarters in tokyo and my cramped living quarters here in brooklyn. in your experience, do you know of any other speaker that can be placed against a wall that performs to a similar degree as the bravo's do? and, have you heard of the standmount/subwoofer that will attach to the bravo's?
There was a prototype pair I saw on the web awhile back of the sub stand. I don't know if it exists or not.
I can't think of any speakers designed to sit against the wall beside the Bravo.
...the gradient prelude is sonically the same(not inferior in any way) and it retails for 1795. the speakers should be placed against a wall(like the classic allison fours). the cabinets are also beautful although they are not angular...both the bravo and the prelude are built in finland by gradient who also builds the quad subs.
i called mayaudio and the heavily accented owner told me that the bravo was a much much better speaker. although the bravo is also much better looking, i wonder why then would the price almost double...surely it can't be because of asthetic purposes only?