What do you think Audiogon does right? or wrong?

Ok, a little self reflection...

What do you think Audiogon does right (or the best)?

What do you think Audiogon does wrong?

Personally I love the Virtual Systems, whoever thought of this should get a gold star.

The thing I last like about this site has to do with Auctions. I think the high bidder should be listed (like ebay does for auctions that are not private) for each item. When I cannot tell who I am bidding against, I sometimes am hesitant to bid.

This site is great, coming from the standpoint of an audiophile. When I first discovered it I was addicted, every day for hours, answering threads starting them. Ive bought several things. Posted stuff for sale. It would be nice to go to browse, click category, and then click manufacturer, Say speakers,B&W, then all B&W speakers for sale would come up. Same for amps or anything else. This is good if your looking for a particular brand.
Also It would be great if Audiogon had a live chat room, so all audiophiles could get instant answers to questions and sellers and buyers could do quicker business. If it was based like the MSN chat rooms, that would be great. Speaker chat, amp chat, etc What do you think?
It would be nice to be able to pull up "new 2 days" listings and then re-order them according to price high to low or vice-versa.
I like the forums. In the olden days we would hang out at stores and talk audio with fellow 'philes, dealers, manufacturers' reps etc. Colorful characters and interesting ideas. Now, although I'm not necessarily persona non grata, I feel a little sheepish about visiting dealers since I do most of my shopping online. Audiogon has become a surrogate for this activity. Although it is a little impersonal you can't beat its operating hours. Perhaps pics of frequent contributors would be helpful!

From offline discussions I know that the regular posters, as good as they are, represent only the tip of the knowledge base iceberg that visits the site. Then as now, I mostly absorb the collected wisdom (with a grain of salt) but occasionally burp something out like this. I wish more people would post.
Don't know why my post was deleted. I'll try again in case it was a mistake. If it was removed on purpose maybe Audiogon could tell me why.
I would like to see better ways to search the thread archives. Like by author and between certain dates as well as just key words.
If you ask my wife, she'll tell you that AudiogoN is responsible for the "revolving door UPS policy" at our house, and why we now give "Mr. John" the UPS driver, a Christmas present every year.

On the right side, AudiogoN members have been informative, helpful and enlightening. I have had many an intersting exchange on these boards. I discovered Signal Cable products and Virtual Dynamics here, along with some GREAT DIY and tweaks. The down side is the need to fight the urge to buy into the "flavor-of-the-month" mentality with regards to digital gear and loudspeakers; as well as avoiding equipment bashing in order to justify what we are using. I have noticed this trend with regard to amplification.