I decided on Monitor Audio for my music, but

for about $2500, I have two choices

Monitor Audio Silver S6 + REL Strata III subwoofer = about $2300


Monitor Audio Gold Refercence 20 without sub = about $2400

My music preferces is broad from classic to jazz to rock

what's the pros and cons for each?

what would you get?
Not to throw a monkey wrench into your search, but at $2500 there are more choices. An audition of the Von Schweikert VR-2s could prove worthwhile. I auditioned both the GR20 and GR60 in my system, nice speakers but I couldn't seem to warm up to them. I ended up going with VSA, the 4jr. I think I saw a used pair of VR-2s for $1500 in the classifieds and I know there has been plenty of threads. Best of luck.
Since this is a music system I'd say do without the sub and buy a full range speaker. Subs are for HT...